Hull Training and Adult Education Governing Board Terms of Reference


The Board’s main function is to secure a sound basis for continuous improvement for Hull Training and Adult Education (HTAE). It will provide a forum in which members can develop co-ordinated, collaborative thinking and action to strengthen the quality of provision and outcomes for learners delivered by HTAE. It will scrutinise provision to assess its success in meeting the needs of individuals, communities, businesses and the future prosperity and wellbeing of the City.

The Board provides a formal structure to undertake a joint role, operating within the existing Council governance structure, to oversee the work of HTAE and provide collaborative leadership in shaping its direction in order to secure and improve outcomes for learners.

The Board will be responsible for taking the lead in establishing a vision for HTAE, with strong underpinning values and firmly driven by the needs of the City and the wider Region.

The Board will act as the governing body of HTAE and fulfil the expectations and duties outlined in respect of appropriate governance for Post 16 learning.


The Board will:

  • Maintain an overview of priorities for adult education and post-16 provision; delivery and service transformation within the national and regional context
  • Make recommendations regarding the service’s strategic aims and objectives based on City, regional and national priorities and those of key stakeholders such as the Education and Skills Funding Agency, The City Council, Ofsted, The Humber LEP.
  • Provide independence of judgment and scrutiny of service provision to ensure the best possible quality of provision and outcomes for learners
  • Assess current levels of performance, and agree actions and targets to develop further improvements.
  • Ensure effective pace and progress of the actions in the Service Improvement Plan through performance management arrangements.
  • Provide support and robust challenge on all activity and plans
  • Ensure identified actions are carried out in the timely manner in line with timescales set out in the Service Improvement Plan.
  • Provide support and guidance to the service to secure additional income generation to ensure sustainability and growth
  • Raise the profile of the Service with internal departments and external organisations with a view to generating new business opportunities
  • Support the Service to meet its statutory duty to provide equality of opportunity for learners, to safeguard learners and to meet the Prevent agenda.

Governing Body Membership

  • Portfolio Holder for Learning, Skills and Safeguarding Children
  • Chair of the Early Support and Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee.
  • City Manager for Citysafe and Early Intervention
  • Business and Apprenticeship Manager for Hull Training and Adult Education
  • Representative from Hull City Council Regeneration Department
  • Representative from Hull City Council Finance Department
  • Representative from Hull City Council Human Resources Department
  • Representative from the Hull City Council Young People, Skills and Employability Team
  • Representative from Hull Training and Adult Education staff team.

Governance Arrangements

  • The Board will meet bi monthly.
  • Extra meetings may be called where 50% of the members identify the need
  • The Chair of the Governing Body will hold regular meetings with the Assistant City Manager and Business and Apprentice Manager to set and agree agenda items, including agreeing a format for the presentation of reports and the frequency that data and other reports will need to be produced to enable the Board to carry out its full spectrum of duties.
  • The Board will develop working groups as required and make arrangements for them to provide regular feedback on progress.
  • Members of the Governing Body will have agreed specific roles which will link into the Service Improvement Plan and other service and corporate priorities.
  • The draft minutes of each meeting will be circulated with the agenda for the next ordinary meeting of the Governing Body and will be presented at that meeting