Careers and Employability
Everyone at Hull Training and Adult Education is fully committed and involved in providing Careers and Employability services to all of our learners.
We have a dedicated Careers Guidance Team who will help you make the right choices and decisions on your future career path before you join us, whilst you study and when you come to leave.
We work in partnership with Connexions to ensure that learners aged 16-18 years receive independent and impartial advice.
Before you start
Not sure what you want to study or where it will lead? Our impartial Careers Guidance Advisers can help you with a range of support, even before you get to Hull Training and Adult Education to ensure you make the right decision with what to do next.
We offer
- Impartial careers advice
- Information and advice on routes into careers and what courses to study
- Support and guidance if you don’t know which course to do, or which career to pursue
- Guidance and information on university applications and expectations
Whilst you are here
Our team of fully qualified professional careers advisers offers both one-to-one support and group workshops covering the following and more:
- Events and workshops: we organise Careers Fairs, and run workshops on job search, CVs, interviews, career choice, UCAS applications and more.
- Mock interviews: we can help you to practise and prepare for an upcoming job or university interview.
- Job search: we can support you with your job search, improving your CV and completing applications.
- One-to-one careers guidance interview: you can book an appointment with a Careers Adviser for more in-depth guidance tailored to your needs.
- Email and telephone: if you have a quick query, we may be able to answer your question via email or telephone. Contact us at or call 01482 615 349
- Social media: follow us on Facebook (Hull Adult Education or Hull Training) and Twitter (@HullTraining) where we share useful tips and advertise careers events.
- Google Suite: learners enrolled at Hull Training and Adult Education can access careers information and advice through Google Suite, our Virtual Learning Environment. Careers Guidance information can be found in the Careers and Employability section.
- Apprenticeships: we’ll tell you more about apprenticeships, offer support on how to use the National Apprenticeship website and give you advice on how to secure apprenticeship employment.
When you are about to leave
When you decide to take your next steps and as you come to the end of your course we will support you. Whether applying for jobs, looking for your next course or progressing to an apprenticeship we are here to help. Throughout your course we are here to help you plan for a successful future.
You can also continue to access our services after you leave us.
Hull Training and Adult Education is proud to have been awarded the Matrix. This is a quality standard for organisations to assess and measure their advice and support services, and are a benchmark for effectiveness and high standards.
Contact the Careers Guidance Team on 01482 615 349 or email