Language of Maths

Language of Maths

Duration: 5 weeks
Start Date: To be confirmed
Day and time: Wednesday, 9.30-11.30am
Course fees: FREE
Enrolment information: For information on how to apply, please call 01482 615 349 / 616 580 or email:

Course Aims

Are you learning English as a second language?

Learn new maths skills and practice your English too!

While you are learning maths you will also meet new people, talk with others in the group and make friends, practice reading and writing in English and so learn more language at the same time as learning maths!

We look forward to welcoming you to our course.

Entry Requirements

You are required to have one of the following:

Entry Level qualification in English at Entry 2 or above

Entry Level assessment in Maths from initial assessment process

Entry 1 or Entry 2 Functional Skills Maths qualification

How to apply

For information on how to apply, please call 01482 615 349 / 616 580 or email:

Course Content

During this five-week course you will:

  • Learn to spell, read and write words about maths
  • Know the meaning of a lot more words about maths
  • Investigate how maths is learnt in the UK
  • Read and answer written maths questions
  • Write answers to a problem in numbers and words

Assessment Method

You are not required to sit an exam for this course.

We will assess your maths skills to see if you are ready to join an Entry Level Maths qualification course

Where can it lead?

You may wish to progress on to:

  • Entry Level Functional Skills Maths qualification course
  • Maths Made Easy – skills building course

As a Hull Training and Adult Education learner you have access to our Careers Advice Service. Our advisers are on hand to guide you through options and support you to achieve your full potential.  Ask your tutor to refer you, if required.

Enquiry form

At Hull Training and Adult Education we take your privacy seriously and will only use the personal information you provide to us to answer your query and to provide any further assistance or information about Hull Training and Adult Education and the services we provide. We will never share your personal data with external agencies and/or external service providers unassociated with your query. You reserve the right to have your personal data deleted at any time and can request we destroy any personal data we hold about you by contacting Accept terms and conditions.
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