Childcare help and support
Hull Training and Adult Education offer a number of childcare solutions. These are dependent upon your age and individual circumstances.
Learners aged 16-19 years
Care to Learn provides financial support to teenage parents who want to continue in education and need help with the cost of childcare and any associated travel. It pays up to £160 a week for each child. Childcare payments are made directly to the childcare provider and travel payments are made to the learning provider.
You need to apply for Care to Learn for each academic year in which you need support. Care to Learn payments can only be backdated to the start of the course or learning programme if your application is received within 28 days of the course start date. For applications received outside of this timeframe, payments will begin from the Monday of the week the application was received.
For more information about how to apply
Care to Learn
Call them on 0800 121 8989
Learners aged 20+ years
We offer creche facilities for learners at The Avenues Adult Education Centre, which is run by qualified professional staff, enabling you to leave your child/children in safe hands whilst you are in class. In some instances, depending on your course and personal financial circumstances, we can help you pay for the childcare costs. Creche places are limited so if you need a place, please ask before you enrol on your course. There is a small charge of £4.00 per session per child.
External Creche places
If you are attending any accredited Adult Education course and need help to pay for your childcare, you can apply for financial help through the Discretionary Learner Support Fund. Ask at your centre for a Discretionary Learning Support form and follow the procedure to apply for this. If there is no place available at our creches, it is your responsibility to find Ofsted registered childcare for your child/children. The service will pay the childcare provider’s invoices directly and will need their Ofsted registration number.
For more information on our Childcare services please call us on 01482 615 349