Equality and Diversity

Hull Training and Adult Education Service meets with Hull City Council’s Equality and Diversity policies and regulations. We want everyone to be able to join our classes and get involved in education and training, and to feel happy and safe whilst they are here.


  • We want to encourage those with learning difficulties and disabilities to take part in learning.
  • We are always improving all our centres, making them easy to access for all learners and many centres have specialist equipment, like hearing loops and large screen computers. If you find you need specialist resources to help you learn, talk to your tutor/assessor or the Learning Support staff.
  • We can provide Braille documents or large print for anyone with a visual impairment. Please discuss this with your tutor/assessor, so that they have plenty of time to organise these prior to the class or programme starting.
  • If you require any extra help to complete your course, please ask staff when you enrol and we will do our best to support you.


  • We value diversity and appreciate the fact that people follow different religions and have different beliefs.
  • We would be happy to make arrangements for you to observe the rules and practices of your religion.


We will work towards eliminating sexual discrimination and promoting gender equality. We also aim to eliminate unlawful discrimination and harassment in education and training to those who intend to undergo, are undergoing or have undergone gender re-assignment.

  • Where it is necessary we will provide services on a single sex basis to ensure that there is access to our Service e.g. women only groups for those who can only attend such groups.
  • We aim to take a pro-active role in breaking down barriers which prevent men/women from entering non-traditional occupations and courses.
  • We aim to create a student body which is representative of the communities that we serve.
  • We aim to create a flexible programme of courses in the daytime and evening to ensure access to the communities we serve.
  • We monitor enrolment, retention, achievement and success rates by gender.
  • We want to develop open and honest dialogue with our learners and involve learners in discussing gender issues for the Service.
  • Encourage learners to report bullying or harassment e.g. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender learners, to their tutors or the welfare adviser to ensure that issues can be discussed and resolved.


  • We value the diversity of the student community and recognise the strengths that this diversity brings. We want to make sure that no one group is treated more favourably than another because of the colour of their skin. Ethnic minority groups will have access to, usage of and satisfaction with our Service, as will all residents. The Service will monitor the makeup of the learner profile against the City’s statistics and national census statistics for the City.
  • There will be zero tolerance of discrimination or harassment of any kind. No group of people will fear for their safety because of the colour of their skin, nationality, ethnicity, culture or religious identity.


  • We welcome all ages to our courses. Some of our funding is specifically for learners in certain age groups, but there is plenty of choice for everyone.

For more information

For more information or to discuss your needs or any equality issues you may have, please speak to your tutor or contact:

Fiona Joy
Learning Support Officer

01482 615 249


  • Equality and Diversity